AM Welcomes Ystrad Mynach Station Plans

Labour AM Jeff Cuthbert has welcomed a commitment from the Welsh Assembly Government to improve disabled access at Ystrad Mynach railway station.

In a letter to Jeff, the Welsh Assembly Government’s Economy and Transport Minister said that improving station accessibility is central to WAG’s National Transport Plan. The next step will be to scope and then cost the improvements that are required to make the station compliant with the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act).

WAG officials are due to visit the station soon along with representatives from Arriva Trains Wales (who operate trains along the Rhymney Valley line), Network Rail (who maintain the station and the track), Caerphilly County Borough Council and local access groups.

Jeff Cuthbert AM said: “I am very encouraged at this commitment from the Welsh Assembly Government.

“Local disability campaigners have rightly criticised ease of access at Ystrad Mynach station, where if you are not able-bodied it is necessary to take a long detour around the back through a housing estate to access the Cardiff-bound platform.

“Improvements to make the station accessible to disabled people cannot come soon enough. I’ll be watching developments closely in the years ahead and making sure that the WAG delivers on this commitment.”

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