An Urgent Message

Some time in the next 24 hours I will no longer be able to add content to this site as my Internet provider is about to cut me off for late payment of the bill.

Within the next week this site (all 22,000 pages) is likely to disappear as I will not be able to pay the monthly hosting fee.

I would bang on about the site getting no funding and serving millions of visitors  a year but I think most of you already know that.

What you can do to help:

Please consider advertising with us. It only costs from £120 a year. Details can be found at

Consider commissioning a photographic session or a website from us. Details can be found at The pages are a little out of date but I have been spending 100 hours a week working on this site.

Consider making a donation. There is a ‘donate button on the right hand side of the home page and you don’t even need a PayPal account.

Thank you,



Editor – Welsh Icons

UPDATE: Thanks to your generosity in donating and buying advertising space it looks like the site is secure for the next few months.

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