Appeal after man robbed in Bangor

Police are appealing for information after a 26 year old man was robbed at the back of Bangor Cathedral at 10.15pm on Saturday March 26.

Detective Constable Mat Corcoran said that they were anxious to speak to anyone who was in the area at the time and who may have seen anything suspicious.

He said: “The man was sitting with his back against the door of the main entrance at the back of the cathedral when three or four men ran towards him and started kicking and punching him.

“They then stole cash from the front pocket of his jeans and ran off. Unfortunately the victim could not describe his attackers.

“The incident occurred late on Saturday night when there would have been plenty of people around so we are now appealing to anyone who might have witnessed the incident to contact me at Bangor Police Station.

“I want to reassure the public that we will do everything possible to catch those responsible and will be increasing police patrols in that area. We will also continue to have a visible presence whilst we carry out our investigations.”

Anyone with information is asked to call North Wales Police on 101 (if in Wales) or 0845 6071001 (Welsh) 0845 6071002 (English) alternatively text 66767 or Crimestoppers Wales/Cymru anonymously on 0800555111.


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