Appeal Aims to Save Pembrokeshire’s Tallest Church Tower

It’s a focal point of the community, and it greets hundreds of thousands of tourists at the gateway to Pembrokeshire every year.  But, for the church tower at St Mary’s, Begelly, time has taken its toll.

Now a major fundraising campaign is under way to ensure the tallest tower in the county (at 71 feet) can continue to welcome visitors in the future.  The Church, a Grade 2 listed building, is looking to raise £100,000 for vital repairs to the tower and the south wall – the first significant restoration since the 1880s.

“We are applying for grants which will meet much of the cost, but there’s still a substantial amount of money to be raised,” the vicar Rev Sarah Geach said. ” A 13th century building like St Mary’s requires a great deal of maintenance, which has to be undertaken in a way that doesn’t compromise its historical importance.”

Through the generations people in the parish and beyond have gathered to worship and to mark significant moments in their lives and those of their loved ones.  And today St Mary’s continues to be privileged to serve as the parish church and is available to all who live in Begelly and Kilgetty.

But it’s not just a question of money, although donations would be welcome.  “We are also looking for people with expertise in historical buildings and project management,” Rev. Geach said.

If you would like to offer to help in any way, either financially or practically, please contact Revd Sarah Geach on 01834 812078.  Donations will be most welcome and can be sent The Rectory, New Road, Begelly and made payable to St Mary’s Church, Begelly – please indicate they are for the Tower Appeal.

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