Appeal for Information Following Assault, Newbridge

GwentpolicePolice are appealing for information following an assault that occurred at around 3pm yesterday (Wednesday 2nd April 2014) on Yewtree Road, which is off North Road, Newbridge.

The 27 year old female victim, who is from the local area, sustained a small cut to her neck and a broken finger and went to the Royal Gwent Hospital for treatment.

The offender is described as white, in his  early 20s, about five feet five inches or five feet six inches tall, thick set with black short cropped hair and of clean appearance. He was wearing a bright white jacket, jeans, trainers, and had a Liverpool scarf hanging down from his waist down the back of his legs.

He approached the woman, assaulted her, then bent down to pick up whatever caused the injury to her neck and walked off.

Anyone with information is asked to call Gwent Police on 101 quoting log number 257 2/4/14.


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