Appeal for Information Following Death of Newport Man

Gwent Police is appealing for information following the death of a 24 year old man discovered in Newport.

Tony Singh was found at his flat in Bryngwyn Road, Newport on the evening of Monday 15th November.

At the moment his death is being treated as suspicious – enquiries are continuing to establish the cause of death.

Tony was last seen when a taxi dropped him off near to Sunhealth Gym on Stow Hill in Newport between 11.30am and midday on Thursday 11th November.

He is described as approximately 5 ‘7” tall, of a slim build with brown eyes and shaved black hair. He has gold caps on his teeth and a number of tattoos; on his right arm he has the letters TS, on his back he has a dragon and a symbol, and on his shoulder he has a tattoo of a Komodo Dragon. He also has both of his ears pierced.

Superintendent Dave Johnson said,

“There are a number of lines of enquiry that we are following at the moment in order to try and piece together what has happened to Tony, and his movements prior to his death.
We have specialist officers supporting his family at this time and I would urge anyone with any information that could assist us with our enquiries to contact us, no matter how small they think it may be – it could be crucial to this investigation.”

Local neighbourhood officers are carrying out patrols in the area and are available to speak to anyone who has any concerns.

Anyone with any information about this incident is asked to contact Gwent Police on 01443 865562 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


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