Appeal for wartime information and memorabilia

As the city marks the 70th anniversary of the Cardiff blitz, Cardiff Castle is appealing for any information or memorabilia from this era to help piece together the history of the Castle during wartime.

During World War 2, the walls that surround the Castle were used as air-raid shelters. Detailed plans were drawn up in September 1939 by the City Engineer who estimated that within the Castle walls more than 1800 people could take shelter.  When the sirens sounded, residents, workers and city shoppers would make their way to the Castle and take refuge here.

Curator of Cardiff Castle, Matthew Williams said, “We are very keen to hear from anyone who remembers using the Castle’s air-raid shelters or who has any information on the Castle during wartime.  Following recent research we have discovered there were dormitories with bunks, kitchens, toilets and first aid posts within the walls. However, it would be wonderful to speak to someone who has any memories of actually sheltering or especially sleeping here “.

In the spring, the Castle plans to run guided tours of the Wartime Shelters with an ARP warden in full authentic costume. Uniforms, helmets, stirrup pumps and first aid kits are just some of the items which have been added recently to the Castle’s collection.  One recently acquired article is an original Cardiff Gas mask, in its box, containing the address of 58, Corporation Road, Grangetown. If anyone knows anything of the people who lived at this address during wartime, it would be fascinating to be able to piece together the story of this everyday item and its journey from Grangetown to the Castle collection.

If anyone has any information on Cardiff Castle during wartime, or any memorabilia from this period they would like to donate to the Castle, please contact Matthew Williams on 029 2087 8104.

Photograph: (courtesy of SW Echo) shows the ramps leading into the Wartime Shelters at Cardiff Castle
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