Appeal for Witnesses following an Assault in Monmouth

GwentpoliceDetectives in Monmouth are appealing for witnesses in relation to a serious assault that occurred at 6.30pm on Saturday April 19th in Granville Street. The victim, 46, received a suspected broken leg and facial injuries.
The assault occurred following an altercation between the victim and other customers in the Nag’s Head, Granville Street. The victim was ejected from the pub by two other customers

Outside, the victim was assaulted by three men and sustained the injuries.  One local man, aged 59, has been arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm  and has been released on police bail pending further enquiries.

Police are appealing for any information regarding the incident or for the identity of the two other men, who are described as:

Male (1)  white, early 30’s, shaven hair wearing a grey hoodie, jeans and white trainers.

Male (2) white, aged 25-26yrs, dark brown hair, wearing a black t-shirt, jeans tucked into brown work boots.

If anyone has information they are asked to call 101 quoting log 329 19/4/14


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