Archbishop: Welsh Poet Shows Faith is About Questions not Answers

Archbishop Barry-Morgan

Archbishop Barry-Morgan

The poet RS Thomas shows that faith doesn’t give us all the answers to life, the Archbishop of Wales will say in a public lecture this weekend.

Dr Barry Morgan will say the Welshman, who was also a priest, showed how faith co-exists with uncertainty and doubt, raising questions rather than providing answers.

The Archbishop will deliver the lecture, titled RS Thomas – Questions not Answers,  at Trinity College chapel, Cambridge, on Sunday afternoon (Jan 26).

He said:

“R S Thomas was a man of great faith who honestly faced the questions that believing in God raises. That to him is the nature of faith – it does not have definitive answers, nor does it resolve every doubt.  Faith is, in fact, carrying on believing whilst not claiming to have answers to every problem.”

The Archbishop is an established authority on RS Thomas’ work and published a book on it, called Strangely Orthodox, in 2006. He got to know Thomas personally during the 20 years he served in North Wales and officiated at his funeral. Last year saw the centenary commemorations of Thomas’ birth.

The lecture will be followed by Evensong at the chapel, at which the Archbishop will preach.  The lecture starts at 4pm and the service at 6pm. All are welcome.
