Archbishop: Wisdom of Welsh poet could help Church

The Archbishop of Wales will turn to the Welsh writer RS Thomas to sort out the current problems in the Anglican church in a lecture next week.

Dr Barry Morgan will suggest Thomas’ poetry has much to teach the church today about the nature of faith as it struggles to resolve tensions over the ordination of women bishops and gay people.

The lecture will be delivered to the Society of Catholic Priests at Llandaff Cathedral on September 19. Its title is, “The Poetry of RS Thomas – Questions not Answers. A Way Forward for the Anglican Communion?”

Dr Morgan says, “To RS Thomas – himself an Anglican priest –  faith was about being prepared to live with doubts, uncertainties and paradoxes. It didn’t offer definitive answers and neither did it resolve every doubt. In that I think he may have much to teach the Anglican Communion at the present time, struggling as it is, because it is not prepared to live with questions and uncertainties.”

The lecture will begin at 2.15pm. To find out about the Society of Catholic Priests visit


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