Art workshops for Saturdays

Seven to ten-year-olds in Swansea can get creative in a series of unique workshops being staged in one of our city’s artistic hubs.

It’s the latest age group to be targeted by the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery team who are inviting young people of different ages to come and join in the fun of making art every month

In October the gallery is inviting children aged between seven and ten years old to take part.

Glynn Vivian curator Jenni Spencer-Davies said the workshops will be led by the Gallery’s experienced artist teachers.

She said: “The children taking part in these workshops will focus on producing unique repeated patterns using drawing and digital graphics. The children will get a chance to work with Photoshop in recreating their motif or applying different designs and colours.”

The first of the three Saturday morning workshop begins on October 2 from 10am to 12pm. The other workshop dates are October 9 and October 16. Children will be asked to attend all three workshops.

The gallery says that any children under the age of ten years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and that early booking is essential to avoid disappointment.

For more information or to book your place on the workshop please contact Glynn Vivian Art Gallery on 01792 516900 or visit


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