Artist call: Silent film inspired work in Bulgaria

SILENT Revival is currently seeking new team members to travel to Bulgaria to develop a project inspired by the golden-age of European silent film.

The aim is to develop a series of collaborative multi-media works for exhibition and performance in 2010.

Selected members will be invited to take place in a project development workshop at the Red House Centre for Culture and Debate in Sofia, Bulgaria from October 23 – 25, 2009. Flights and accommodation will be paid for and places are limited to 10.

The ideal team is: a writer, a dancer/choreographer, a mythologist, a musician/composer, a director of photography, a spatial designer and a new media specialist. However, you are welcome to apply if you have expertise in another area of art, cultural practice or creative management and feel that you could successfully contribute to the project.

Priority will be given to applicants from Wales, Bulgaria and Greece.

For further information about the project and to download an application form, visit the website: Silent Revival

To request more information or an application form via email contact:

The project is supported by the Arts Council of Wales, Wales Arts International and The British Council Creative Collaboration fund.

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