Asghar: Wyw Cycle Path Plan worth backing

Mohammad Asghar, Regional Assembly Member for South Wales East, has given his support to the development of a Sustrans Cycle Path from Chepstow to Tintern/Brockweir.

Proposals would see the cycle route constructed along a disused railway line which runs alongside the River Wye.

Mr Asghar said: “I am pleased to have written to Council officials to express my support for this proposal.

“Only this week, I raised the issue of encouraging more people to cycle in the Senedd. It’s so important”.

The Shadow Minister for Equality added: “The revised application has significant local support, and with good cause.

“The pathway will provide a much needed safe and sustainable route for cyclists and walkers enabling the enjoyment of the beautiful Wye Valley from a different perspective.  It will provide a beautiful, alternative route to congested A roads which are often traffic logged”.

More information on the proposed Wye Cycle Path can be found on the website

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