Assembly Candidate Turns Tea into Water

Gwenda Thomas, Labour Assembly candidate for Neath, today presented Neath Fair Trade Champion Andrew Jenkins with the proceeds of a Fairtrade tea morning held at her offices. The money will go to WaterAid.

WaterAid provides safe water, effective sanitation and hygiene education to the world’s poorest people. Worldwide, 2.5 billion people live without essential sanitation. The resulting diseases kill almost 4,000 children a day.

Mrs Thomas said: “I’m proud to support a charity whose work saves lives across the developing world. It’s sometimes difficult for those of us living in the developed world to understand the difficulties and dangers faced by people in areas where safe, clean water can’t be accessed by just turning on a tap.”

Andrew Jenkins said: “I’d like to thank Gwenda for her support, both for this fundraising effort and the Fairtrade movement in general. The coffee morning was a great success and gave me a chance to explain to many people the importance of Fairtrade and the difference it makes to peoples lives.”

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