Assembly Government and councils work together for future transport needs of Wales

Cabinet Members responsible for Transport from local authorities across Wales met with the Deputy First Minister, Ieuan Wyn Jones, in Cardiff last week to discuss the future transport needs of Wales.

In response to local authority calls to recognise the pressing need for investment in transport when setting the Assembly budget, the Deputy First Minister explained that whilst WAG’s funding will inevitably decline, because of the overall scale of cuts in capital expenditure, by central and local government working together and making the most of European and other funding opportunities, the impact of WAG funding cuts can be minimised.

Cllr Bob Wellington (Torfaen), WLGA spokesperson on Transport issues said:

“Current Transport plans look five years ahead but there are major challenges to address if we are to ensure the transport systems we invest in today are resilient for the long term. This is increasingly important at a time when resources for transport will come under pressure following the Comprehensive Spending Review.”

“Last week’s meeting allowed for a very useful and open exchange. The Minister and I will now be holding regular meetings with the chairs of the four Regional Transport Consortia. These Consortia are going to play an increasingly important role in the future as local authorities work collaboratively to develop sustainable transport solutions which contribute to the overall economic development of Wales.  They form the crucial bridge between national transport policy and local delivery.”

The gathering also heard from Bruce Cockrean of Global to Local who encouraged WAG and local authorities to develop their dialogue on different transport options, to consider capacity issues, resilience against future trends – such as climate change – and affordability.


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