Assembly Member Calls for Rethink on Day Centre and Residential Home Closures in Swansea

Peter_BlackThe Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member for South Wales West, Peter Black has called on Swansea Council to think again about planned closures of day centres and residential homes throughout the area.

Mr Black was responding to budget papers currently being considered by the Council’s cabinet which envisage three or four residential homes closing and effectively wipes out the budget for council day centres.

“These facilities are an important lifeline for many families in Swansea,” said Mr. Black. “Since the Evening Post covered the possible closure of St. John’s Day Centre in Manselton, I have been inundated with calls from people who rely on that facility to support them in caring for their relatives and which allows them some respite from those duties.

“Equally, the Council’s residential homes provide a high quality service for many elderly and sick people whose future has now been thrown into doubt. If the Council forces these residents into the private sector then it will cost the public purse more to care for them.

“Swansea Council’s ruling Labour group need to rethink their stance on these closures and find alternative ways to save money. As my colleague Chris Holley outlined last week, there are other ways of delivering services that will save money without such dire consequences for the sick, the elderly and the vulnerable.”

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