Attempted Robbery in Welshpool

Police in Welshpool are investigating an attempted robbery in at the County Goldsmiths in Church St Welshpool town centre.

Shortly before 5pm Wednesday 1 December three males entered the premises and threatened the owner of the shop. The offenders used some kind of spray in an effort to incapacitate the victim however he was able to fight off his attackers and it is possible that one of them received an injury to his face or head area. The males left empty handed and it is believed that they got into a Silver coloured vehicle that was parked on Cumberland Place nearby.

Not long before the offence a lady customer was in the shop and purchased 2 rings. The police would like that lady to come forward in case she saw any persons loitering near the premises.

The males were dressed in dark clothing, they wore hoods or scarves and sunglasses.

After leaving the premises empty handed they turned left along Church St away from the main cross roads. A witness has described seeing similar males getting into a Silver car on Cumberland Place.

Any person with any information or who saw anything suspicious should contact the police at Welshpool by ringing 101 within Wales, 01267 222020 outside Wales or by ringing Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111


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