Auditor General notes council’s improvement

Monmouthshire County Council is improving.  That is the Auditor General’s conclusion in his annual improvement report examining the council’s performance and ability to continually improve.

The report recognises that the council is changing the way it operates and has set itself three clear priorities for improvement; protecting the most vulnerable, education and economic development.  The report identifies that the council is responding positively to the challenging financial climate and is modernising the way it is organised, the way it delivers services and the way it engages with citizens.

Responding to the findings council leader Peter Fox said: “It is pleasing to see that the council’s ambitions and ability to improve have been recognised despite the fact that we have to do more with less, both in terms of money and staff.  We are committed to providing better services and we are doing this in many areas.  However, there is still plenty to do.  The continued hard work and commitment of our staff is key.  I thank them for their continued commitment to delivering better services with and for the citizens of Monmouthshire”.

The full report can be accessed at


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