Back to basics to make planning application process fit for economic recovery

A new, improved system of making planning applications will make it easier for Wales to come out of the recession “fit for business”, Environment Minister Jane Davidson has announced.

Unveiling a report into the planning application process in Wales Ms Davidson said that she was pleased that the research had identified good practice and reported that there is no need for any fundamental changes.

But consultants GVA Grimley Ltd, who carried out the work, did find that the planning system was “under stress”.

It made 16 recommendations to improve the planning application process, which have been accepted by Welsh Ministers.

Minister Jane Davidson said:

“It is important that the way individuals and businesses make planning applications should be as simple, efficient and clear as possible. As Wales recovers from the recession is it important that we have a system that provides support.

“I was pleased to see that there was good practice that we can build on but have also listened to those with experience of making planning applications who provided evidence for this research.

“This is one of the most important planning research projects we have undertaken. It is time that we got back to basics and looked closely at the planning application process.

“The Assembly Government wants to get rid of any barriers to making timely decisions that deliver sustainable development and give us an effective system to support economic recovery.”

GVA Grimley’s report , “Study to Examine the Planning Application Process in Wales”, was published on June 22. An independent research steering group made up of representatives from the public, private and third sectors provided technical advice and guidance to GVA Grimley. A wide range of organisations and the public provided their views.

The aim of the project was to look at how planning applications were processed and what were the barriers to making timely decisions.

The Assembly Government in accepting the recommendations has set out how it will take the improvements forward including new policy, guidance and legislation. All the changes will be consulted upon.

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