Bake and Make for Cardiff Country Fair

010410_cakeAre you a baker or a maker?  Are your Welsh Cakes to die for? Is your Victoria Sponge lighter than air?  Are you itching to get stitching?  Then Cardiff Country Fair’s produce and handicraft competitions are the place for you to shine.

Running from September 27 – 28, Cardiff Country Fair will bring the countryside to the heart of the city for a second year, and like all good Country Fair’s, the chance to impress the judges with your skills and win a coveted prize rosette for best in class, or maybe the trophy and year’s supply of Braces bread that comes as the reward for best overall entry is not to be missed.

Cabinet Member for Community Development, Co-operatives and Social Enterprise, Cllr Peter Bradbury, said:  “Cardiff Country Fair provides families who live in and around our wonderful city the chance to experience the countryside in the heart of the city and the produce and handicraft competitions are the perfect way for parents and their children to have fun even before the Fair starts.”

Sales and Marketing Director at Brace’s Bread, Scott Richardson, said. “Brace’s is a traditional family bakery and we pride ourselves on our exceptionally high standards. I am sure the people of Cardiff  will also prove to be exceptionally great bakers and we can’t wait to see what the bakers and makers of Cardiff come up with. “

With all ages and junior competitions including best Welsh Cakes, Victoria Sandwich, Fruit Tart, Cupcakes, Shortbread, sweet preserves it’s time to get baking, and if craft is more your thing why not try your hand at knitting a hat, making a vegetable animal or decorating a pair of wellies.

For rules and more information on how to enter visit, call 029 2087 3690 or email [email protected].

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