Bangor Pride litter pick

More than 25 bags of rubbish were gathered during a litter pick at Upper Bangor orecently as part of the Bangor Pride project.

The event saw members of the local community working with public sector organisations working in partnership to make a real difference to the local environment. Groups taking part in the event included: Bangor Pride, Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Town’s Team, Keep Wales Tidy, Wales Probation Trust and Bangor Universities Students’ Union.

Sian Elin Powell, Bangor Pride Project Officer, said:

“Thank you to everyone who took part in this litter pick, I am pleased that members from the local community took part in the event and are clearly committed to improving the city’s environment.

“Bangor Pride will be holding monthly litter picks within the city, if you are interested in taking part and taking pride in your local environment please get in touch.”

Iona Lewis Thomas, Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer added;

“We are really pleased with the event and believe it shows what can be achieved through working in partnerships.

“We hope this will encourage more people to take pride in their local environment – dumping rubbish is a crime which can pose a risk to other people and wildlife, and costs taxpayers’ money to clear up.”

Refreshments for the volunteers were provided by McDonalds.

Bangor Pride’s next litter pick will take place on Monday 28 March at 11am, the meeting point is the Coed Mawr car park. All are welcome to join the event, please wear appropriate clothing and shoes. Litter-picking sticks, gloves, bags and so on will be provided on the day.

For more information regarding Bangor Pride’s litter picks contact Sian Elin Powell, Bangor Pride Project Officer on 01248 352 421 or visit

For more information about the Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns scheme, and to organise a similar event in your area, contact the Gwynedd Council Tidy Towns Officer on 01766 771000 or visit the website

Photograh: Some of the Bangor Pride volunteers take part in the environmental day at Upper Bangor

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