Barmouth RNLI assist a woman on yacht, who had suffered a reaction to being stung by a fish

Barmouth RNLI inshore lifeboat was launched at 16.21 on Sunday (8 August) to assist a woman on board the yacht Teala after reports were received that a fish (possibly a weaver fish) had stung her.

The yacht was in Cardigan Bay within sight of the lifeboat station, so the lifeboat The Rotarian Clive Tanner was very quickly on the scene. The casualty was transferred to the lifeboat and returned to the shore where an ambulance was waiting to receive her.

John Probert, Barmouth RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager, said, ‘The weaver fish sting is described as excruciating, causing the affected area to swell and become red. If you do get stung the most effective treatment is to put the affected area in water as hot as the victim can stand without causing scalding. To minimise the chances of treading on a weaver fish, which often lies under the sand with its spines protruding, paddlers and bathers can wear light shoes when in the water.’


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