Barrage lock gates to get a new lease of life

Improvement works are being completed to give Swansea’s Tawe Barrage lock gates a new lease of life.

The gates provide access to the sea for thousands of boats in and out of Swansea Marina all year round.

Swansea Council is coordinating the refurbishment work which will ensure the gates operate effectively for the next ten years. The work is expected to last for five weeks.

Steve Kern, Swansea Marina Manager, said: “The barrage lock gates are extremely important in terms of the day to day operation of the marina.

“Earlier this year a technical issue was identified with both inner lock gates. Components in the lower hinges are badly worn causing the gates to lean.

“The only way to replace the worn components is to close the facility temporarily. The work needs to be carried out before April this year in order to ensure the facility operates properly throughout 2011 summer season.

“We have approximately 18,000 boats passing through the gates each year and the lock is in use for 15 hours a day every day of the week, so it’s vital that they operate properly.”

The Council is investing £330,000 to complete the refurbishment works.


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