Beach clean up in Benllech

School children on Anglesey have been helping to keep their local beach litter free.

Following a morning lesson about recycling and safety, year five pupils from Benllech School and youngsters from the Youth Justice Team spent an afternoon cleaning up their local beach.

The day was organised by Keep Wales Project Officer Gareth Owen along with local Police Community Support Officer Iona Beckmann, Anglesey County Council recycling department and ACER communication.

PCSO Beckmann, along with others, visited the school in the morning before venturing down to the shore.

“During the walk down to the beach on Tuesday, September 21, we cleared several public footpaths, car parks and the areas near the shops,” said PCSO Beckmann. “Members of the public congratulated the young people who all received a certificate for their hard work and for helping to improve their environment and keeping Benllech clean and tidy”.

Benllech school children have been involved in cleaning Benllech beach for the last three years and litter on the beach is reducing.

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