Bereavement Cahrity Benefits from Cash Donation

Cardiff Council’s Bereavement Services has enabled a donation of £8,333 to be made to Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS).

SOBS is a charity which helps those who are bereaved by the suicide of a close relative or friend.

It offers emotional and practical support and aims to provide a safe, confidential environment in which bereaved people can share their experiences and feelings whilst gaining support from each other.

The charity is accessible to everyone and works with other statutory and voluntary organisations to strive to improve public awareness.

Cardiff Council’s Bereavement services is a member of The Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM).

ICCM run a Recycling of Metals Scheme in which bereaved families can opt to have metals resulting from cremation recycled.

In the past, if the bereaved had not expressed any desire to have the metal returned it would be removed from the ashes and buried within the grounds of the crematorium.

With the onset of modern waste management regulations set out by the Environment agency, ICCM and the bereaved via cremation authorities decided to devise a recycling system that has both environmental and charitable benefits.

Bereavement Services support the UK scheme and Cardiff crematorium nominated SOBS as the charity to receive their donation.

Fourteen other charities were also nominated by cremation authorities in membership of the recycling scheme with each receiving the same amount as SOBS.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells said: “The Recycling of Metals Scheme has benefitted a long list of charities as well as having environmental gain.

“I am pleased to hand over this donation to such a worthy charity that helps so many people.

“The scheme would not be possible without the consent of the bereaved families who have used our local crematoria and I would like to give them our greatest thanks”.

Bereavement Services manage Thornhill Crematorium and many of the cemeteries across Cardiff. It has been recognised by ICCM for the standard of service they provide to the bereaved.

ICCM promotes the development, advancement and welfare of its members to facilitate the better provision, operation, administration and management of cemeteries, crematoria and bereavement primary purposes.

For more information about the Recycling of Metals Scheme please visit

Photograph: (from left to right)  Sandra Evans, Roger Swan, Cllr Howells, Sarah Moore (from SOBS), Neil Curtis, Martin Birch

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