Best foot forward with new draft plan for Monmouthshire

Monmouthshire County Council is to seek views and comments about a new draft joint plan to improve the lives of people living and working in the county.  The consultation period ends on 7th February 2011.  And, as well as sounding out via traditional methods, the council is employing innovative ways of getting in touch.

Only last week council staff joined Abergavenny’s Walking for Health group on a cold snowy morning to discuss their thoughts on the draft plan.  Despite icy weather, walkers were happy to walk and talk, as well as coming up with valuable ideas.

Prepared by the Monmouthshire Children and Young People’s Partnership, the Community Safety Partnership and Monmouthshire Health Alliance, the joint plan is to run from April 2011 to 2014 and sets out how the three organisations will work together.

People can view documents and leave feedback at the county’s four One Stop Shops and local libraries.  A response can also be made via e-mail, to [email protected].

More information on the draft strategies or the consultation may be obtained by contacting the council’s Policy & Partnership team on 01633 644582.  Members of the team are also available to discuss the plan with local groups.

New walkers to Abergavenny’s Walking for Health group are always welcome.  Most people can join in, it’s free and doesn’t require any special equipment.  The group meets every Wednesday morning at 10.30am at the Family Church in Castle Street, Abergavenny and the walks last up to an hour.

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