Bishop of St Davids – Christ brings meaning and hope in world of uncertainty

Christmas message – the Bishop of St Davids, Rt Revd Wyn Evans

The Christmas story is one of hope, embodied in the birth of a child in a manger in Bethlehem. It is a story of new beginnings, of God coming to be with His world and reaching out to His people.

The birth of a child is a cause for celebration, a happy event that will go on to re-define the experience of all those he or she touches and the relationships between them.  And so it was at the time of the Nativity.

Jesus’ birth changed the world forever.  Here was the beacon mankind had been seeking, a promise of better things to come, a ray of hope to lighten the darkness, which spread across the world.

Today, that light still shines; in our children as they grow, in our faith in them and in our hope that they can forge a brighter future for themselves, for their children and for humankind and the world around them.

For most families, the joy of Christmas is embodied in the smiles on the faces of the children.  Their innocence reminds us of the fundamental truths that the Christmas story brings us.  The miracle of the manger lives on in each one.

God sent His only son into our world so that, through Him, He could reach out to each one of us.  Through His incarnation in the Christ child, He re-defines our relationships with each other, offering an unconditional love that brings meaning and hope in a world full of uncertainty.


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