Bishops turn down pay rise

Bishops and senior clergy will forego their annual pay rise next year as the recession takes its toll on the collection plate.

They have chosen to turn down a 1.6%  rise as a gesture of support for those facing financial uncertainty in parishes across Wales.

Speaking at the Governing Body meeting of the Church in Wales today (Wed), the Archbishop, Dr Barry Morgan, said, “We recognise that this is a difficult time for many of our parishioners as the recession bites and many are losing their jobs or having their salaries frozen or even reduced. Turning down our pay rises will save the Church some money and will, I hope, be a symbolic gesture to show we understand what the communities we serve are going through at the moment and we want to support them.”

About 35 people will forego or give away the pay rise. They include all the Bishops, Deans and Archdeacons as well as most of the senior staff of the Representative Body of the Church in Wales and some diocesan secretaries.

Despite the recession generous parishioners are putting more in the collection plate each year, according to the latest financial statistics published by the Church in Wales.

On average, church members last year gave £7.79 each Sunday – an increase of 1.8% on the previous year. This represents 2.5% of the average Welsh gross weekly adult income.

However, with fewer people going to church the total increase from direct giving continues to fall.

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