Black: There Appears to be No End to the Arrogance of the Power Companies

Peter_BlackThe Welsh Liberal Democrat Assembly Member for South Wales West Peter Black is demanding that the big energy companies stop ripping bill-payers off over customer service.

New research from financial website ‘This is Money’ has shown that some companies are charging as much as 100% more than others for providing similar levels of customer service.

Mr Black said:-

“Everyone knows that providing call centres, generating and sending out bills, and answering correspondence costs money.

“What is not acceptable is that some companies charge up to 100% more than others for what is essentially the same service. Which? has identified that customers can be paying from £87.00 a year up to £178.00 a year. That kind of gap cannot be justified, particularly for low and fixed income households in our region.

“Because there is no real competition, it is too easy for the power companies to simply load these charges onto our bills. They don’t have to compete on cost, so they don’t bother.

“There appears to be no end to the arrogance of the power companies.

“That is why customer service costs must form part of the upcoming Competition Commission investigation.”


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