Black: Labour’s Poverty of Ambition has led to Decrease in Homes

Peter_BlackResponding to figures showing a decrease in the number of new homes registered in Wales, Peter Black AM has described the figures as a ‘damning verdict’ on the Welsh government’s failure to stimulate Wales’ housing market.

Figures published have shown that the overall UK figure for new houses being registered increased by 28% to 133,670 in 2013 but Wales saw a 12% fall from 4,065 in 2012 to 3,577.

Peter Black, Welsh Lib Dem Shadow Housing Minister commented:

“These figures are a damning verdict on the Welsh Labour government and its failure to get both our economy and our housing market moving.

“Liberal Democrats in the coalition government are overseeing a dramatic increase in the number of new homes being built.  This drive means that once again Labour’s poverty of ambition is letting Wales lag behind.

“Wales desperately needs new homes to be built and the Welsh Labour government must show bold ambition or Wales will only fall further behind.

“The Welsh Labour government has simply been too slow in understanding the importance of building news homes.  It disgracefully delayed its Help to Buy scheme and house builders still face the burden of over-regulation. There remains a lack of access to available land, limited access to finance and continued delays within the planning system.  The Welsh government must urgently review ways of stimulating our housing supply.”


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