Black: Lagoon Has Potential for Massive Economic Boost for Swansea

Peter_BlackCommenting on the announcement that the planning application for Swansea’s lagoon power plant has been submitted, Peter Black, Assembly Member for South Wales West, said:

“I am pleased that the planning application for the lagoon has been submitted.

“This lagoon has the potential to bring a massive economic boost for Swansea and surrounding areas.

“It is hoped that the project will produce a huge amount of local jobs and could well generate millions of pounds in the region.

“Now this application has been made public, the project can be properly scrutinised. A project of this magnitude has to be got right.

“There are still a number of environmental concerns surrounding this project that must be addressed.  Providing that these issues are dealt with, then this announcement can only be good news for the Swansea Bay region.”


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