Black Urges Involvement With Be Gas Safe

Peter_BlackWelsh Liberal Democrat Housing Spokesperson Peter Black is urging organisations throughout the region to get involved with a new campaign to raise awareness of the potential for illness and death that carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning can cause called Be Gas Safe.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and the charity Gas Safe, have launched this major programme to promote awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and the importance of adopting measures to stay gas safe.

Mr Black is already working with the All-Party Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide Group chaired by Labour MP Barry Sheerman.

Mr Black said:

“Each year in England and Wales, there are approximately 50 accidental deaths, 200 non-fatal poisonings that require hospital admission and 4,000 visits to A&E that result from CO poisoning. That is far too many.

“I have already suggested to the Welsh Government that we changed the upcoming Welsh Housing Bill so that installation of CO detectors becomes mandatory in all new homes, social housing, and with the installation of any appliance that might produce the gas into existing homes.

“However, while this is being considered, we must take every opportunity to make homes in our region safer.

“That is why I am urging community-based organisations to get involved with the Be Gas Safe campaign to help raise awareness of the risks, promote gas safety, and distribute detectors to the most vulnerable free of charge.

“Any organisation interested in getting more information about Be Gas Safe should visit:


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