Blaenau town centre improvements a step closer

2011 looks set to be an exciting time for Blaenau Ffestiniog with major £4.5 million regeneration improvements set to get underway.

Gwynedd Council, in partnership with local regeneration group “Blaenau Ymlaen” and the Welsh Assembly Government, have been developing plans and concepts to carry out significant improvements in the town in consultation with the local community since 2009.

Capita Symonds have now been appointed to project manage the work, and the tendering process to appoint contractors will get underway in the spring with work to start on the ground in the autumn.

Richard Thomas from Blaenau Ymlaen said: “It was clear from the consultation events held locally that people wanted the plans to be based on our history and culture. The challenge will be to support new economic ventures to launch and flourish in the area.”

The EU-backed regeneration project aims to create a vibrant shopping location, as well as creating a distinctive visitor destination. Residents’ opinions have given clear steer to the town centre work with people clearly stating that plans should be based on the area’s unique traditions and heritage.

The improvements will include:

  • major environmental improvements to the town centre with the aim of encouraging more tourists to explore and find out about Blaenau Ffestiniog’s fascinating history and culture
  • funding will be available for the town’s shops to improve the external appearance of the town’s buildings, including new signs and windows
  • developing a unique gateway at the entrance to the town from the A470 by renowned local artist Howard Bowcott, along with other visual features in locations throughout the town by local artists
  • improving signage around the town, along with interoperation boards on Blaenau Ffestiniog’s history
  • developing a performance location in the town to celebrate and promote Blaenau’s language, culture and heritage

Pryderi ap Rhisiart, Gwynedd Council’s Regeneration Officer for Ffestiniog and Eifionydd said: “This project is centred around putting Blaenau Ffestiniog back on the map and the appointment of Capita Symonds to manage the work on the ground is a key milestone for us in implementing the project.”

Gwynedd Council’s Portfolio Leader for the Economy and Community, Councillor Dewi Lewis added: “These are exciting times for Blaenau Ffestiniog. A lot of hard work already undertaken means that the regeneration work can get underway later this year.

“With the town centre scheme on track and the Antur Stiniog cycling project which is being developed as part of Gwynedd Councils Eryri Centre of Excellence project, 2011 looks set to be a year of great opportunities for Blaenau .”

The £4.5 million regeneration project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Welsh Assembly Government and Gwynedd Council.

To find out more about the town centre improvement project please phone 01766 512499 where you can speak to a member of the project team or visit the project website at


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