Bonfire night disco fun in Buckley

Police and community groups have organised a disco on bonfire night for local youths in Buckley at their local youth club in the Hawkesbury Community Centre.

As part of Operation Bang and using funds from the Police and Community Trust (PACT) the aim is to provide diversionary activity to reduce the calls made to North Wales Police and other emergency services on one of the busiest nights of the year.

PCSO Tracey Parry said: “We are working with our local youth club leaders in providing a DJ and disco on bonfire night to help distract children and youths from anti social behaviour and in turn educating them on the dangers of fireworks and bonfire safety, anti social behaviour, criminal damage and the effects it has on other people and their community.”

During the evening police officers, PCSO’s and special constables will be patrolling the area.

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