Book bags for babies in Denbighshire

Bookstart/Dechrau Da in Denbighshire, the scheme which gives free books to babies and toddlers and encourages library membership, is celebrating its tenth birthday this week.

Since its launch in 1999, the scheme has gifted bags of books to over 10,000 local children, packed with reading matter as well as advice for parents on how to share books with babies, and an invitation to join the local library.

Bookstart also holds regular rhymetimes in local libraries and community venues and visit playgroups and parenting groups to share the message that babies who are given books make the best start in life.

The tenth birthday will be celebrated in a Grand Rhyme Time to be held in Rhyl on Thursday, October 15, in company of the Chairman of Denbighshire County Council, the Mayor of Rhyl, Chris Ruane MP, representatives of partner organisations and local families.

Bookstart is provided by Denbighshire Library Service in partnership with Basic Skills Cymru and health visitors from the NHS Trust, and receives funding from Denbighshire’s Cymorth and Flying Start programmes.


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