Bourne: “Appalling” Lab-Plaid refusal to admit NHS cuts

Despite refusing to protect and prioritise health in the Assembly draft budget, the First Minister has refused to admit that the NHS budget in Wales will be cut over the course of the next three years say the Welsh Conservatives.

The denial occurred during a challenge by the Leader of the Welsh Conservatives over the impact of cuts to missed targets in hospital waiting times.

Nick Bourne AM said: “I find it absolutely appalling that the First Minister will not even attempt to be honest with the people of Wales.

“Over the course of the next three years the NHS will miss out on £1 billion. That’s because the health budget in Wales is not being protected in line with inflation. That’s because it is being cut.

“It is shameful that the First Minister cannot bring himself to admit that. He uses the word ‘frozen’ while his Health Minister uses the phrase “efficiency savings’.

“Responding to a recent written question, that is how Edwina Hart described the missing £1 billion.

“We need to root out the waste and protect the health budget and the Welsh Conservatives have been entirely honest in spelling out how and why we would do that. It is about time we saw the same kind of honesty from Labour-Plaid.

“Our NHS has been driven into the ground, waiting time targets are being consistently missed and frontline staff are being affected. Health should be prioritised. Not cut.”


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