Bourne: Call for public inquiry into 1990 death still unanswered

Commenting on the First Minister’s decision not to launch a public inquiry into the death of ten year old Robbie Powell in 1990, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly, Nick Bourne AM said:

“I have written to the First Minister, once again urging that a public inquiry is held into Robbie Powell’s death.

“The process announced by Carwyn Jones today is a long way from what is needed; an open and transparent review into the circumstances surrounding Robbie’s death.

“This is what Robbie’s father has been tirelessly campaigning to achieve and it is what I have been calling for since 2003.

“An independent investigation by one person simply doesn’t meet the needs and requirements of this tragic case.

“Before his departure from office, former First Minister Rhodri Morgan agreed that a public inquiry was the right course of action and I urge the current First Minister to look again at today’s decision.”


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