Bourne: Protecting health means prolonging lives

The Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly has challenged the First Minister to admit that his refusal to protect the health budget means Welsh cancer patients will be refused drugs that they could access if living in England.

During First Minister’s Questions Nick Bourne AM has highlighted the UK Government’s decision to invest £200 million in a Cancer Drugs Fund.

It means tens of thousands of cancer patients in England could benefit from drugs which are currently routinely denied to them.

The investment has been made possible by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat decision to protect health spending in Westminster.

Mr Bourne said: “Does the First Minister believe that it is fair for cancer patients in England to receive life-prolonging drugs, while cancer patients in Wales continue to be denied them?

“This is a postcode lottery of the very highest order; all because of Labour-Plaid’s continued refusal to protect the health budget.

“Drugs which will now be available in England include Avastin. This treatment can extend lives by up to two years, yet it will remain unavailable in Wales.

“The One Wales agreement states that ‘the NHS cannot stand still. It has to adapt and change. New services are continually emerging … we will invest in the prevention of ill health.’

“This commitment is clearly being ignored by Labour-Plaid. While the UK Government puts lives first, the Welsh Government refuses to accept protecting health and prolonging lives is possible.

“It is possible, and this graphic example demonstrates why we simply can’t afford not to.”


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