Bourne: Recognising dedication of our Armed Forces

On the final day of the Assembly election campaign, Welsh Conservatives are promoting their key pledges to protect the NHS budget, support small businesses, invest in schools and recognise the contribution of Wales’ Armed Forces.

Welsh Conservatives have committed to establishing an Armed Forces Card comprising five entitlements for both serving and ex-Armed Forces.

The Party has pledged to protect free bus passes for pensioners and the disabled and extend to the Armed Forces.

Other benefits include:

  • Free entry to local authority swimming pools
  • Free entry to CADW sites
  • Priority NHS treatment for service-related conditions and injuries
  • Priority delivery of Disabled Facilities Grants

Nick Bourne said, “Over recent weeks we have seen once again the tremendous risks and threats that our Armed Forces face on a daily basis to keep our country safe.

“Our Armed Forces Card recognises their commitment to our country and dedication to fighting for the freedoms many of us take for granted.

“Many members of our Armed Forces face a difficult transition to civilian life after their years of service and some face debilitating injuries and long-term medical conditions.

“An Armed Forces Card would help improve access to NHS treatment for service-related conditions, which far too often is patchy and inconsistent.

“Our Armed Forces personnel deserve priority treatment for injuries and other conditions sustained while on duty serving our nation.

“While we celebrate the work of our Armed Forces personnel annually on Armed Forces Day and commemorate their sacrifices on Armistice Day, as a society we do not do enough to recognise the enormous contribution they make to life in Wales.

“Our Armed Forces are in action all over the world serving this country and it is time for us to do what we can to make their lives a little bit easier both while they are on leave in Wales and after they complete their active service.”

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