Bourne: Wales risks falling further behind in public services

Following a series of damning figures showing Wales trailing the rest of the UK in key public service indicators, Welsh Conservatives today warned that Wales risks falling further behind unless the Assembly Government examines potential private finance initiatives.

Nick Bourne AM, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly, said, “I am concerned that Labour-Plaid’s ideological aversion to the private sector playing any role in public services could prevent schemes to build new schools and hospitals.

“Recent figures have shown that Wales is falling behind other parts of the UK in literacy and numeracy attainment and in NHS standards, while the backlog in school and hospital repairs remains challenging.

“Welsh Conservatives believe that especially in times of tight budget settlements, we should be examining all possible avenues to upgrade school and hospital buildings to improve public services, regardless of political ideology.

“Wales spends barely a fifth of what is being spent on PFI in England and Labour-Plaid is slashing the NHS budget here, while it’s protected in England, meaning comparatively, even less money will be available in future to upgrade Welsh schools and hospitals.

“If we want Wales to have world-class standards of healthcare in times of austerity we need to explore alternatives to public funding to improve facilities for public services.

“We are calling on the Assembly Government to turn its back on its increasingly wobbly commitment to exclude the private sector from contributing to improvements in public services to help Wales achieve standards already achieved in the rest of the UK.”

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