Brand new outdoor games facility unveiled in Bargoed

A brand new first-class outdoor games facility has been unveiled in Bargoed, which aims to further increase participation in outdoor games across Caerphilly county borough at a grassroots level.

The ‘3G’ facility, located next to Heolddu Comprehensive School in Bargoed, was able to come to fruition through a multi-agency partnership between Caerphilly County Borough Council, the Welsh Football Trust, Heads of the Valleys Project and Sport Wales.

To launch the new facility, children from 11 local primary schools were invited to participate in a ‘football festival’, organised by Sport Caerphilly.

Cardiff City FC Community Coaches came along to assist Sport Caerphilly Coaches and volunteers in delivering a series of skills workshops to the youngsters in the morning, before they took part in a competition in the afternoon.

Cllr Phil Bevan, Cabinet Member for Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning said, “This excellent facility will be a great asset to our county borough, and will benefit not only local school pupils, but the wider community also”.

He continued, “We are working closely with local clubs, leagues and the Welsh Football Trust and key partners to ensure this facility and others like it are used to their maximum potential for the benefit of county borough residents, and also help further increase participation in outdoor games at a grassroots level”.

The football competition was played in terrific spirit with high quality action throughout the day, with Tir-y-Berth Primary School being crowned the winners of the competition.

All players that took part in the day each received a medal for their efforts.

Local sporting clubs are also invited to contact Heolddu Leisure Centre to enquire about availability of the facility for training purposes.

For further information, please call 01443 828 950 or go to


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