Bridgend Consumers still unsure of legal rights

How much do you know about your consumer rights? Just one of the questions Bridgend County Borough Council’s Trading Standards Service asked consumers recently – the result of which indicated that many are still unsure, particularly regarding returns and refunds.

Speaking to passers by at Bridgend County Show, officers from the Trading Standards team offered advice on consumer rights as well as useful information on scams, loan sharks and doorstep sales.

Consumers were also asked to answer three questions relating to consumer law in order to enter a prize draw.

The team uncovered the following information:

When asked about a consumer’s right to cancel a contract for goods purchased online, only 50% of those questioned correctly identified the statutory seven day cancellation period;

Slightly fewer people (44%) correctly answered that a minimum payment of £100 must be made on a credit card to claim against the card provider for breach of contract;

Only 38% were aware that traders do not have to provide a refund to consumers who have changed their minds about goods purchased from their shops.

Service Manager for Trading Standards, Helen Picton said: “People tend to assume they are entitled to more than retailers are obliged to offer. An increasing number of businesses in today’s world are prepared to offer consumers improved terms and conditions, such as allowing for returns to be made up to 28 days.

“We often need to clarify to consumers that businesses are under no obligation to offer a returns policy. There is however a statutory requirement for goods to be repaired, replaced or refunded if they are found to be faulty, were not described correctly or are not fit for purpose.

“When purchasing goods online, by phone or mail order, consumers have the right to send certain goods back to the trader within seven working days of delivery. We also regularly advise consumers to pay for large purchases by credit card. If you have paid £100 or more for goods or services by credit card and the shop goes out of business or refuses to help, then you are legally entitled to ask your credit card company to refund, replace or repair.”

Trading Standards will be on hand to offer advice and guidance at Tesco’s Community Fair in Bridgend on 21 August 2011.

For more information or advice on consumer rights, contact Consumer Direct Wales on 0808 156 6747 (or 0808 156 6748 for a Welsh language service).


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