Brighter beacons for safer roads

Road safety in Ystradowen has a bright future thanks to new technology being installed by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.

Innovative LED Belisha Beacons have been installed at the village zebra crossing tomorrow following concerns raised by local members and residents over the safety of the existing crossing.

After a site audit was completed it became apparent that a minority of drivers were not stopping when pedestrians were attempting to use the crossing or else stopping too late and colliding with other vehicles.

The new beacon heads, which use ultra-visible LED technology, will be installed within the day and offer a host of benefits. Not only do they reduce energy costs, they include light sensors which reduce the output at night (reducing light pollution) are vandal resistant and have lower maintenance costs due to longer lamp life.

Cllr Geoff Cox, cabinet member for visible services said: “This location will be the first time that this innovative design has been used and if successful will be rolled out at other locations within the Vale of Glamorgan with similar problems, as finance allows.”

The council’s visible services department is committed to reducing accidents that occur on the roads in the Vale and is keen to utilise modern technology to achieve this aim wherever possible.

For more information on the scheme please contact Gary Owen, principal traffic engineer, on 02920 673138.


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