Broadcast chance for wannabe newsreaders

Swansea could unearth the next Huw Edwards or Sian Williams on bank holiday weekend.

An event is being held at Castle Square’s Big Screen on Sunday May 2 and Monday May 3 that will give people the chance to try reading the news.

The opportunity to read the news in English is available on Sunday and the chance to read the news in Welsh is available on Monday. Both events last from 11am to 3pm.

The Wales Today and Newyddion sets are being mocked-up at Castle Square for the event and all recordings will be broadcast on the Big Screen.

Representatives from the Electoral Commission Wales will be on hand to discuss election issues with members of the public and to offer more information to people about the Welsh Leaders Debate in Pontardawe Leisure Centre on Sunday May 2 at 9pm.

Students from Swansea Metropolitan University will be conducting interviews with people about the forthcoming General Election that will also be shown on the Big Screen.

Swansea Council
, Swansea BID (Business Improvement District) and BBC Wales are partners in the Big Screen project.

Frances Jenkins, Swansea Council’s Strategic Manager for Tourism, Marketing and Events, said: “The Big Screen in Castle Square is starting to attract more and more events that add to the offer in the city centre.

“I’m sure there are many people out there who’d fancy the opportunity to read the news and see their work broadcast and this event could help discover talent that will go on to anchor the news in future.

“It’s also a great chance to access more information from experts about the forthcoming election.”


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