Bryneglwys youngsters get ready for big triathlon challenge

A group of young people from Bryneglwys are in training for a sponsored triathlon to raise money for the village youth club.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe club has been a big hit since it was formed in 2012 but they are desperately short of funds.

They are also looking for a sponsor for the triathlon that’s being held at Corwen Leisure Centre on Friday, February 28, starting at 7pm.

The event will include a 20,000 metre swim, an eight mile run on a treadmill and an eight-mile bike ride.

The teams made up of four members each are aiming to complete the gruelling challenge in two and a half hours.

The club, which is open every Friday between 7pm-9pm, is run by local volunteer and supported by Denbighshire Youth Services.

Organiser Vona Law explained: “The youth club first opened its doors in August 2012 and has been greatly welcomed by the young people of the village because there was little else for them to do in the community.

“The group will undertake the triathlon to raise valuable funds to secure the future of the youth club as the money raise through entrance fees don’t cover the costs.

“The young people have devised a programme of fundraising ideas to generate an income to make the youth club sustainable and to buy equipment to provide more activities for members.

“Bryneglwys is not only there for the benefit of young people from Bryneglwys itself but also other young people living in the surrounding areas.

“The event is being supported by Denbighshire County Council’s Community, Marketing and Leisure Department who are providing the facilities and qualified staff to supervise the event at no cost to the youth club.

“The group are seeking a main sponsor for the event in addition to Denbighshire County Council.

“This will provide the main sponsor for an opportunity for their logo to be used on the T-shirts being printed for the team and they will be included in any press releases or promotion.”

Sharon Baines, Chair of Bryneglwys Youth Club, said: “The young people of Bryneglwys are very enthusiastic about this project and are very much looking forward to participating in it.

“They are all keen that the Youth Club continues to thrive and have lots of ideas for future fundraising events!   We are grateful to Denbighshire County Council for their ongoing support.”

Jamie Groves, Head of Communication, Marketing and Leisure at Denbighshire County Council is fully behind the youngsters.

He said: “We are delighted to support such an initiative and it’s great to see local volunteers in Bryneglwys arranging events that will benefit the health and well-being of local young people.

We cannot under-estimate the benefits of leisure activities and we hope this triathlon will be a catalyst for further sport and leisure activities in the Bryneglwys area.”

If you or your organisation are interested in sponsoring or supporting the event in any way please contact Vona Law on 07917 043572.

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