Burns: Call for strong guidance on child welfare

Responding to the statement from the Education Minister and Deputy Minister for Children & Social Services on safeguarding children in Pembrokeshire, Angela Burns AM, Shadow Minister for Education and Assembly Member for Carmarthen West & South Pembrokeshire, said:

“We welcome this statement of intent from the Welsh Government in response to major failings in child safeguarding within Pembrokeshire, however we do have enormous concerns over the use of timeout rooms in whatever form they may take throughout Wales.

“We need to see strong guidance for all local authorities from Welsh Ministers on the appropriate use of timeout rooms and how children should, when necessary, be disciplined.  I will be asking the Government to reconsider the balance between statutory and non-statutory guidance for Schools and Local Education Authorities.

“Children’s experiences at school help shape the adults they become and can deeply affect them in later life.  Having seen the timeout room at the PRU in Pembrokeshire and heard evidence from children about other schools I fail to see how the use of a timeout room can be deemed appropriate in this day and age.

“The weapons of incarceration and public humiliation of children are shameful and should never play a part in the armoury of teaching.”

Paul Davies, Assembly Member for Preseli Pembrokeshire, said:

“Given that Angela Burns and I met with the Director of Education less than a month ago we find this statement from the Government most disturbing.

“Elected Members need to provide leadership and support officers in order to address the prevailing culture and the bureaucratic logjams, which appear to have blocked reform.”

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