Burns: Clarity needed on changes to widen HE access

Commenting on the announcement that almost all Welsh universities will charge the full £9,000 maximum tuition fee, Angela Burns AM, Shadow Minister for Education, said:

“Subsiding students from Wales and across the EU to the maximum fee of £9,000 represents an increasingly uncertain financial commitment for the public purse.

“Given that only weeks ago Welsh universities’ bids to charge £9,000 were thrown out, we need clarity on what changes have been made to plans to widen access and raise standards in order to justify charging the maximum fee.

“It is regrettable that Welsh Labour Ministers announced this pre-election policy before working out how much it would cost or where the money would come from.

“It is only right that graduates who gain well-paid jobs after university should make a contribution to their study costs, reinvesting in the education of future generations.”


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