Burns: Fair Fuel for All

The rising costs of fuel are of great concern to many people whether it is fuel for a car, for business vehicles or the fuel for the home.

Angela Burns, Assembly Member for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire took the opportunity to raise these concerns with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne during the Conservative Spring Conference in Cardiff.

Angela Burns said “I had a very fruitful discussion with George Osborne to discuss the issues faced by rural communities and why due to the scarcity of public transport we tend to rely more on the car. Our community is not alone in this plight and the Chancellor recognises the costs involved in keeping more rural communities viable and with the added pressure of the economy in our constituency, this can lead to a “double whammy” on the income of many families.

I am looking to the Westminster Government to recognise our plight and to put into force some relief to help mitigate the situation we are all in. Last week I had the choice of paying £1.39.9 for diesel in Pembrokeshire or £1.31.9 in Cardiff. What a crazy situation”.

Photograph: Angela Burns AM with George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer

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