Burns: Labour Must Act to Reduce NEETs

Angela_BurnsCommenting on the launch of ‘Moving Forward’, the Welsh Labour Government’s new programme to support young offenders and care leavers who are not in education, employment or training, Angela Burns AM, Shadow Minister for Education, said:

“Under Labour, the latest figures show that the number of young people in Wales who are not in education, employment or training is at a record high and vulnerable groups are most at risk.

“While this new partnership project with Llamau is welcome, there is no substitute for encouraging entrepreneurship by creating the conditions in which small businesses can prosper and delivering major improvements in education to raise the performance, confidence and aspirations of learners.

“However well-intentioned these plans, it is a bit rich for Labour politicians to launch a plan to improve education uptake called ‘Moving Forward’ the day after respected international evidence shows Labour is dragging the Welsh education system backwards.”

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