Burns: Llanddewi Velfry Bypass – How Much Longer?

Pembrokeshire Assembly Member Angela Burns has yet again asked questions of the Welsh Government as to the progress of the bypass proposed for Llanddewi Velfrey.

Just before the Welsh Assembly elections earlier this year the Labour / Plaid government told the residents of Llanddewi Velfrey that the project was due to commence in 2011. Responding to recent questions by Angela Burns AM, the Minister for Transport Carl Sargeant said, “I am currently prioritising the objectives of the national transport plan and will publish a delivery plan this autumn”.

Angela Burns commented, “They have made and failed to keep so many actual and implied promises to this community over the years and it’s time we made them break the cycle. In my role as Chair of the Finance scrutiny committee in the Assembly I did manage to expose the pre election promise as being ephemeral at best and it is vital, now there is yet another Transport Plan in the offing, that we keep up the pressure and get the Cardiff Government to deliver the traffic relief that the residents of Llanddewi Velfrey so desperately need”

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